Did Theresa May campaign to remain in the EU?

Or did our unelected Conservative Prime Minister of the UK let down those who believe in a modern, inclusive, tolerant society?

I complained to the BBC that they were completely misleading in describing Theresa May as a remain campaigner. The new unelected Prime Minister of the UK stood on the sidelines and let her Conservative Party civil war largely destabilise the whole of Europe and let propaganda win a vote for Britain to turn its back on pluralism and an open society.

I commented on social media “Tim Farron is entirely right on this.” (Facebook) and “I’ve complained to the BBC over them describing Theresa May as a Remain campaigner. Highly misleading. She did not campaign.”

Lib Dem Leader Tim Farron also slated Theresa May in the Guardian for her lack of campaigning to remain in the EU. “Tim Farron: Theresa May did nothing to prevent Brexit.”
http://www.theguardian.com/ politics/2016/jul/26/tim-farron-theresa-may-did-nothing-to-prevent-brexit

I attach my original and renewed complaint to the BBC for its inaccuracy in describing Theresa May as a Remain ‘campaigner’ and there response. Their response to my renewed complaint I agree justifies them in rejecting my complaint. They give several specific examples of Theresa May making statements in support of remaining in the EU. So, not much, little campaigning, but some.

“Notwithstanding the debate about the tone and vigour of her campaigning, we hope the examples above demonstrate why we have no issues in referring to how she “campaigned to remain in the European Union”. ”.

The standard wording attached to the BBC’s reply about complaints says “We realise you will be disappointed to hear this but hope this explains why we are not able to take your complaint further.”

Actually I am not disappointed because in this second response the BBC News website team have given me the evidence to show that they are right and I was, in fact if not political substance, wrong. Before that, my Conservative friend Mark Cotterell had commented “You must have missed TM’s 5 photo ops with Remain placards & her white rosette on Ref Day. But I agree the BBC didn’t cover all but one of those – so maybe that should be your complaint.” (1 August) and I acknowledged “You are right that I have missed those Mark. It’s still not much, but if the BBC had given me that answer then I would begrudgingly have accepted it and wrapped my complaint up.” So our new Prime Minister – as unelected as a Brussels bureaucrat – let down a generation by a lack of leadership or conviction, but it did get her the leadership of the Conservative Party and the Prime Ministership of a very disunited Kingdom.

Theresa May BBC news website complaint

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