Spineless MPs betray the country and all Europe on Article 50.

Theresa May’s Article 50 trigger letter starts with a lie & contains lies throughout – that’s pro-Brexit all along. The Tories & vast majority of Labour MPs have shamefully been captured by the lying, dishonest fraudulent agenda of the Anti-EU extremists.
Read the third to last paragraph of May’s letter and see how damaging Brexit is. Typical Tory though that financial services merit pride of place and no mention of the environment (or actual production of things magically appearing again in the new UK). No mention of Gibraltar either. The Conservative Prime Minister seems determined to take Britain back to the 1980s at least. Investing in nuclear weapons & trading with brutal Middle Eastern dictators & wannabes is a perverse way to make Britain great out from peace loving EU. In a comment on 15 March I called the MPs who backed an earlier vote to trigger Article 50 traitors. “335 MPs voting Art. 50 power to unelected Prime Minister of minority party with no restraint. Traitors damaging peace of post War Europe”. It is treacherous to put personal position and ambition above the duty of an MP to stand for the best interests of the country. And the principle that countries have worked for fifty years to guard peace in Europe is one British Members of Parliament should have taken a stand for against the lies, populism and ignorance.
It is especially disappointing that on Merseyside only three Labour MPs (and the one Lib Dem) had the courage to vote against Article 50, despite how much our Liverpool city region has benefited from European Union investment and from European Union tourists, students and immigrants.
The Harry Potter shop at Heathrow Airport is more realistic than the Government’s Brexit plan. And Harry Potter has done far more for the British economy and World reputation than Brexit. Potter believes in truth and justice – anathema to the lying fraudulent anti-EU Brextremists. But it is fiction just like the Tory UKIP and fellow traveller lies

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