The gender equality of Excessive executive pay.

An old tweet summarises an issue where female equality campaigners (and male supporters) put one aspect of fairness over others. The issue of unequal pay is rightly raised, but when it is excessive pay the complaint from BBC journalists, or the practice of UK University Vice Chancellors, local authority Chief Executives, bosses of housing associations, charities, and even mutual Building Socieities like the Principality, is to award the levelling up of excessive pay to the female (Chief) executive but think nothing of the gross disparity with other workers in their organisation or in ordinary jobs.

Summer last year I was horrified at the excessive pay being given to the incoming Chief Executive of the Principality Building Society – Wales’ leading financial institution. Julie-Ann Haines was a longstanding senior executive of the society. (A building society traditionally specialises in lending to people to by houses, and some remain officially as ‘mutuals’ owned by the savers and borrowers as members, not owned by shareholders or private companies like banks). At a time when savers in banks and building societies are hit by near non existent interest, it is particularly aggravating to see the new Chief Executive paid excessively – many many times an average salary – whether a woman or not.

Kiron Reid
Nov 22, 2018
Gender equal pay & obscene unequal pay are different issues but will some progressive feminists be equally outraged about grossly excessive pay to a female boss, not only when the £ goes to a man? While we should also acknowledge Bet365 & Denise Coates give millions to charity.

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